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in the comfort of your home

A little bit


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I believe strongly in the positive effects massage therapy and acupuncture can have on both the body and mind and the vital role they play in enhancing the body’s natural healing mechanisms. These therapies offer an opportunity to experience safe and positive touch and develop a deeper connection with your body, learning to attune to the sensations that come up. Nurturing this relationship with the body is essential, not just for physical health, but for mental and emotional well-being as well.

In my practice, I take a holistic approach to treatment to gently guide you through your healing process, whether you are dealing with day-to-day stress and tension or specific injuries or conditions. In addition to traditional Swedish massage techniques, treatments may include acupuncture, trigger point therapy, active or passive stretching, myofascial release, cupping, gua sha, manual lymph drainage, or PNR (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) to meet your unique needs. I am dedicated to helping you achieve your treatment goals while also finding a sense of well-being and balance.

I graduated with honours from the massage therapy program at Trillium College in 2011 (2200 hrs). I completed my acupuncture certification with honours from Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine in 2018 (500 hrs). I'm registered and in good standing with our regulatory body, the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

In my free time, I love exploring new corners of earth and spending time in nature. I practise yoga regularly and enjoy engaging in various forms of playful movement such as juggling, acroyoga, slacklining, bouldering, and stand-up paddle boarding.  I view movement as medicine and encourage my clients to find the activities that feel good for their bodies and get them excited to move more often!

How Does Mobile Massage Work?

Mobile massage is an excellent option for those who are dealing with injuries or physical limitations, new parents, or anyone who just wants to unwind in the comfort of their home.
Just choose a time that works for your schedule and I will come to you with my massage table and supplies. All you need to do is relax! All intake forms, payment and receipts will be handled digitally.




Massage therapy involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body in order to improve dysfunction, release tension and elicit a feeling of deep relaxation. Massage has been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce muscular pain and tension, improve circulation, lower heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels, improve immune function, and reduce anxiety and depression.  Regular massage treatments can help alleviate the discomfort associated with occupational strain and poor posture.  By activating the body's parasympathetic nervous system ('rest and digest'), we can bring the body into a state of relaxation and ease where it can begin to heal itself... and this is where the magic happens!

therapeutic massage therapy

Acupuncture involves inserting very thin sterile needles into the tissues. These needles are much smaller than what you typically imagine when you think of a needle, comparable in diameter to that of a human hair. The majority of people describe feeling nothing when the needle is inserted or sometimes a slight prick or dull sensation that quickly subsides. Acupuncture is best known for it's effectiveness in treating pain but there are many other musculoskeletal conditions that can be treated using this modality. These include sciatica, low-back pain, frozen shoulder, tennis/golfer's elbow, headaches, and general muscular tension. Acupuncture can also be deeply calming and may be incorporated into a massage treatment for general relaxation, balancing and stress-relief.
*Please note: I practise acupuncture within my scope of practice as a Registered Massage Therapist. For insurance purposes, receipts will be issued for massage therapy.

Acupuncture, dry needling

Myofascial cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient Chinese art of cupping therapy. In contrast to massage, which involves compression of the tissues, cupping involves decompression, creating space between the layers of skin, connective tissue and muscle. By creating suction or a vacuum, cupping is used to release restricted soft tissue, loosen adhesions, and lift connective tissue, while bringing fresh blood flow to stagnant areas. Cupping has a sedating effect on the nervous system, and many people find it profoundly relaxing.  Massage cupping is a gentle, non-invasive way to loosen up soft tissues so that more specific or deeper massage techniques can be comfortably applied. In areas of tissue dysfunction, this technique may leave a temporary mark which resembles a bruise, but is not painful. These marks usually clear up in 3-7 days and will typically lighten and disappear faster over a series of treatments as stagnation in the area clears. In my treatments, I most often use gliding cupping with oil over the skin which typically does not leave the telltale mark. If you would like to incorporate cupping into your treatment, please let me know at the time of booking.

myofascial massage cupping

Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy healing rooted in ancient Japanese traditions. This non-invasive therapy is used to re-balance and move stagnant or 'stuck' energy in the body in order to restore physical and emotional well-being. In a typical session, the reiki practitioner will place their hands in a series of non-intrusive positions on or near the body from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet, treating the whole body. Reiki works on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Treatments often elicit feelings of peace, centeredness and deep relaxation, and can be particularly helpful when dealing with emotional exhaustion or grief. Reiki activates the parasympathetic nervous system, much the same as massage or acupuncture, and has been shown to reduce stress and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Reiki energy healing

Choose the



works for you

*HST included in prices

An additional fee of $5-15 may be applied for appointments outside of service area.

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To determine if my services will be a good fit for you, please send me a message telling me a little bit about yourself, why you're seeking massage therapy and what your treatment goals are. Please include your address or closest intersection.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

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